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Frequently Asked Questions


Where do I start? Which of the Qi Gong DVD programs is best for me?

What's the difference between Qigong and Tai Chi?

Do Yoga and Qi Gong have the same healing benefits?

I've never tried Qi Gong before. Will I be able to follow along if I don't know what I'm doing?

Do I have to do all the exercises on the DVD to get the full benefit of the Qi Gong program?

I purchased Qi Gong for Weight Loss some time ago and I love it! How often should I do the routine for the best results? Every day? Every other day?

I struggle with back pain, neck pain, or shoulder pain. Is Qi Gong safe for me?

Is it possible to address asthma and other respiratory concerns with Qi Gong?

What do you recommend for hormone balancing/menopause?

I have cold hands and feet, a result of poor circulation. Will Qi Gong help improve poor circulation? Do you recommend any type of exercise in particular to help circulation?

I have other medical problems. Will Qi Gong help me?

Where can I find a Qi Gong class in my neighborhood?

How can I find out about events with Lee Holden?

Will your DVDs work outside of US DVD players?

Are Lee Holden's DVDs sold in stores?

I'm having trouble with my DVD.  Is it defective?  Can you help me?

What is your return/exchange policy?


Do you ship outside of the U.S.A.?

Are there additional charges for shipping outside of the U.S.A.?

What shipping methods do you use, and how long will it be before I get my DVD?

How much do shipping and handling cost?

Do I have to pay by credit card, or can I pay by check/money order?

Are Lee's programs available on VHS?

I'm a new customer.  How do I log in to place my order? I don't have a password to enter.

Why don't you recognize my email address?

My credit card was "declined," but my bank says I have been charged. What happened?

My credit card was "declined," but I don't understand why. What happened?

Is your site secure?

What do you want with my email address?


Where do I start? Which of the Qi Gong DVD programs is best for me?

You can start with any of the DVD programs. Qi Gong for Beginners has more flowing movements than any of the other programs, so it might be the easiest place to start if you are not comfortable with this form of exercise or if you are not experienced in performing regular exercise. Qi Gong for Upper Back & Neck Pain and Qi Gong for Low Back Pain has more stretching exercises designed to help with easing tension in specific regions of the body. The Qi Gong exercises in the back and neck pain DVD's might be slightly more challenging than the exercises in Qi Gong for Beginners, and if you are not accustomed to stretching, you might prefer to ease into those exercises more gently. The Qi Gong for Stress DVD contains a balance of flowing and stretching movements and might offer a good intermediate step between the Qi Gong for Beginners DVD program and the stretching-oriented Qi Gong for Upper Back & Neck Pain and Qi Gong for Low Back Pain programs.
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What's the difference between Qigong and Tai Chi?

Both forms of exercise share all the same principles of movement - relaxation, flow, energy, centering.  The difference is that Tai Chi is more complicated because it is practiced as a sequence of movements, where Qi Gong is more like Yoga, and practices one movement at a time.  To learn a typical tai chi form usually takes about 6 months.  Qi Gong is much simpler and can be learned very quickly.  Also, tai chi has more of a martial arts application whereas Qi Gong is a little more health-oriented.  Qi Gong is considered to be the mother of Tai Chi because it's about 3,000 years old while Tai Chi is about 800 years old. 
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Do Yoga and Qi Gong have the same healing benefits?

Yoga has great healing benefits.  But, Qi Gong differs in its slow-flowing movements and focus on internal energy.  This creates added benefits and cultivates more internal energy.  Stretching circulates energy.  Flowing movements cultivate energy and bring it into the body. Qi Gong has both.
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I've never tried Qi Gong before. Will I be able to follow along if I don't know what I'm doing?

Yes. With Qi Gong, there is no experience required! The slow, gentle movements make it easy for people of all ages, fitness levels, and experience levels to participate. Lee Holden's patient explanation of each movement, along with clearly seeing him perform the movement, makes these exercises easy to follow. To familiarize yourself with the routine, we recommend watching the DVD once through before you begin. 
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Do I have to do all the exercises on the DVD to get the full benefit of the Qi Gong program?

Qi Gong is based on time-honored conditions occurring in nature, such as flow and balance. An "all-or-nothing" approach does not belong in the practice of Qi Gong! You might begin by choosing just one section from any of the QiGong DVD programs, getting started with only a few Qi Gong exercises. If your time is limited, consider setting aside just ten minutes a day to offer yourself and your body a relaxing, invigorating Qi Gong health break. Treating your body to even ten minutes of stretching, breathing, movement, and relaxation is better than not doing anything at all. As you begin to enjoy the Qi Gong practice, you will find yourself wanting to do more and more of the exercises in the DVDs and to progress to exercises from the other DVDs. Over time, you might find yourself wanting to enjoy as many of the movements and stretches as possible.
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I purchased Qi Gong for Weight Loss some time ago and I love it! How often should I do the routine for the best results? Every day? Every other day?

We recommend using Qi Gong for Weight Loss every other day. Qi Gong for Weight Loss is a bit more vigorous than our other DVDs, as it is designed for those who want a gentle, low-impact method of burning calories and losing weight.

The routines in Qi Gong for Weight Loss involve some core strength training, and like any type of strength exercise, you should give your body time to rest and recover. The time in-between is when your muscles actually get stronger.

We recommend still staying active on your alternate days. You should look into other Qi Gong titles, such as Qi Gong for Healthy Digestion or Qi Gong: Moving Meditation, as well as other activities that can help you burn calories, such as walking, swimming, or dancing.

Keep in mind that as you get stronger and your body begins to fall back into its natural balance, activities will get easier. We recommend you gradually increase the intensity of your exercise. For instance, there are two routines on the DVD, a Beginner routine and a more challenging Standard routine. If the beginner's routine starts to feel too easy, advance to the standard routine. If the standard starts to feel too easy, you can always increase the intensity by bending deeper, lifting higher, or holding longer.
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I struggle with back pain, neck pain, or shoulder pain. Is Qi Gong safe for me?

If you are already experiencing back pain, neck pain, or pain in another region of the body, you should be very gentle with yourself and begin any exercise program gradually. Qi Gong for Upper Back & Neck Pain and Qi Gong for Low Back Pain have stretching exercises designed to ease tension in specific regions of the body. These Qi Gong exercises for back and neck pain might be slightly more challenging than the more flowing exercises in Qi Gong for Beginners, particularly if you are already experiencing pain in one of these areas. If you are not accustomed to stretching or if you are already in pain, you should make sure to use particular caution in easing into the Qi Gong exercises.

Watch the Qi Gong program all the way through at least once before performing the exercises. Watching the program in advance of participating will help to familiarize you with the Qi Gong movements, increasing your overall comfort level and ability to follow along. The Qi Gong stretching programs include exercises appropriate for people at varying levels of fitness and flexibility. Some Qi Gong stretches will be perfect for your level, and some might be appropriate for more advanced Qi Gong participants. Pick the exercises that feel comfortable and appropriate to your fitness level, and skip the ones that you find difficult until you feel more comfortable with these exercises. Ease gently into the stretches, particularly in your first times through the Qi Gong programs, and do not feel compelled to try everything and "make it" through the whole program. Don't do any stretches that are uncomfortable. The Qi Gong programs are designed to work for you over time, and their varying levels of exercise provide room for growth over time. Consider beginning with one section of the DVD at a time and adding more sections as your comfort level with Qi Gong increases.

Don't do any exercise that feels too strenuous for you. Don't push yourself to perform any of the stretches if they are not comfortable, and "listen to your body," as pain is a valuable warning signal. Make sure to do the exercises slowly, and be careful getting on and off the floor if you are not accustomed to regular movement and exercise. As always, you should discuss exercise plans with your physician before embarking on new routines, and you should never push yourself beyond your "comfort zone." If you are unsure of yourself or of your level of fitness, caution, patience, and gentleness are important watchwords!
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Is it possible to address asthma and other respiratory concerns with Qi Gong?

You can address asthma with almost all styles of Qi Gong.  The best would be to do the lung exercise on Qi Gong Flow for Beginners.  Do this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes per day.
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I have cold hands and feet, a result of poor circulation. Will Qi Gong help improve poor circulation? Do you recommend any type of exercise in particular to help circulation?

Poor circulation is really common. Qi Gong is a fantastic exercise for this because it dramatically improves micro-circulation. There is a saying that "Qi is the commander of blood; where Qi goes, blood follows." Lee believes that any Qi Gong practice will help with circulation issues, and he specifically recommends routines like Qi Gong for Weight Loss, Qi Gong: The Flow Continues, and 7 Minutes of Magic.
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What do you recommend for hormone balancing/menopause?

Flowing movements work really well for helping to balance hormones. Lee recommends Qi Gong Flow for Beginners, Qi Gong: The Flow Continues, and Qi Gong for Stress. Stress is a major contributor to hormonal imbalance. In Chinese Medicine, menopause is called "yin deficiency". If yin gets depleted, yang energy flares up, resulting in hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia. Qi Gong balances energy, which in turn balances the endocrine system.
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I have other medical problems. Will Qi Gong help me?

We believe that Qi Gong represents one component of an integrated practice of strengthening the mind, body, and spirit, and improving overall health. Of course, we remind our customers that Lee is not a medical doctor in the western sense and that eastern healing is not a substitute for western healing. Lee is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, and he offers acupuncture, eastern healing, QiGong, and herbal remedies. Many people report a sense of relaxation, healing, and well-being from Lee's programs and from QiGong in general.

We suggest starting with the Qi Gong Flow for Beginners DVD to make sure you enjoy the exercise and feel comfortable with it. Qi Gong Flow for Beginners is the easiest of Lee's Qi Gong DVDs, as all of the exercises are done in a standing position. It is possible to modify these exercises so that you can do them from a seated position, from a chair or wheelchair, for instance. Lee's other Qi Gong DVDs would add variety to your practice, addressing a broader range of symptoms across the whole body. The other DVDs do include exercises done while seated and lying on the floor. We recommend watching all of the Qi Gong exercises prior to performing them.
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Where can I find a Qi Gong class in my neighborhood?

There are undoubtedly many wonderful practitioners and teachers of Qi Gong throughout the US, and certainly throughout the world. Unfortunately, we do not have a list of Qi Gong teachers or centers, although we would love to build one. Perhaps try a web search using the terms "Qi Gong" and the name of your town or city. Also, a phone call to a local acupuncturist or to the National Qigong (Chi Kung) Association (1-888-815-1893) might be helpful.

Lee Holden offers regular Qi Gong classes every week in the Los Gatos/ Santa Cruz area of California.  Feel free to check his website for more info.  He also Qi Gong conducts workshops and seminars around the U.S.  If you'd like more information on Lee Holden's Qi Gong workshops, please let us know to add your name to our database, and we'll keep you posted on upcoming Qi Gong events with Lee.
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How can I find out about QiGong's events with Lee Holden?

Lee Holden also conducts Qi Gong workshops and seminars around the U.S.  If you'd like more information, please let us know to add your name to our database, and we'll keep you posted on upcoming Qi Gong events with Lee.
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Will your QiGong DVDs work outside of US DVD players?

If you are ordering your Qi Gong by Lee Holden DVD from outside of North America, please keep in mind that MOST modern DVD players (two years old or less) bought in Europe should play both European (PAL) and North American (NTSC) DVDs. Our Qi Gong DVDs are in the NTSC (US) format and Universal Region 0; in our experience so far, all of our European customers have been able to play them. If you have previously ordered DVDs from North America and had trouble playing them, then our DVDs might not work on your player. The Qi Gong DVDs should work in any PC DVD player, regardless of the country, although we do not support PC-DVD software issues. (Note: For Apple or other computers or DVD players that ask you to select a region 1-6, please select Region 2)
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Are Lee Holden's Qi Gong DVDs sold in stores?

No.  Lee Holden's quality products are not available in stores.  ExerciseToHeal.com is the primary distributor for the Lee Holden Qi Gong product line.  Lee Holden Qi Gong programs can also be obtained through PBS Stations, as "thanks" gifts for the support of your local PBS station's programming.
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I'm having trouble with my Qi Gong DVD.  Is it defective?  Can you help me?

There is no way to "skip" the medical and legal instructions at the beginning.  Sorry, our lawyers made us do it! 

Step 1 (Easiest and Quickest Solution):  If your Qi Gong DVD starts to "stick" or "hiccup" anywhere, the first and simplest remedy is often the most effective and fastest:  try dusting off the bottom of the DVD with a DVD cleaner (soft cloth and Windex will do the trick too!).  This is a very effective way of removing any dust particles or smudges (often invisible to the eye) that cause playback problems.  If this does not work, see Step 2 below, and call us so we can help you!  We are dedicated to making sure you are able to experience the "Lee Holden Qi Gong Flow," and we will be delighted to assist you.

Step 2:  If cleaning the DVD does not work, it is possible the DVD is scratched or that there is some other problem, in which case we will help you.  If this is the case, we will work with you to find a solution that is acceptable to you.  PLEASE CALL US if you have completed Step 1 above and you would like assistance.

Please note:  Our newer DVDs do not work in the following DVD players:  Toshiba SD-V280, TruTech T600-D, JVC DR-MV5, and older Apex players.  They also might not work in DVD/VHS combination players, including Panasonic VHS/DVD player #SQPBA; Sony DVP-MS425P CD/DVD; Sony SLV-D380P DVD/VHS combination player; Samsung HRS4253 6 disc changer DVD/CD. 
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What is your return/exchange policy?


We hope you enjoy your purchase. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied you may return your items for a refund or store credit.

For unopened products returned within 60 days of purchase, we will issue a complete refund (not including shipping costs).

For opened products, or for products returned after 60 days, we will issue store credit.

To make a return, please call us at 866-432-5356 or mail the items you would like to return to 820 Estuary Way, Delray Beach, FL 33483. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE A NOTE that mentions who you are (the purchaser's name), the reason that you would like to return the items enclosed, and a phone number to contact you in case we need to reach you (we promise not to bother you unless absolutely necessary!).

We hope and think that you will love our products as much as we do, but we cannot guarantee it. Everyone has different personal preferences, and that is what makes the world interesting! We encourage you to peruse our site, read the description of each DVD that interests you, and watch the clip on each DVD's individual product page. If you have questions, feel free to email us (info@ExerciseToHeal.com) or to call us by phone: 866-432-5356.






Do you ship outside of the USA?

Yes, we ship outside the U.S. Shipping outside the U.S. DOES costs extra.  If you are ordering products for which free shipping applies in the US, free shipping does NOT apply internationally, but reduced rates DO apply!  However, please keep in mind that, for orders above a certain dollar amount, customs charges you a fee. Also, shipping internationally takes longer, as the international customs process seems to cause delays.  (This is true even for shipping to Canada.)  Once the item leaves the U.S., the U.S. post office is no longer involved.  As a result, while "Priority" shipping speeds up the processing time within the U.S., it may not help beyond American borders.

Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping and handling charges.  These charges vary by country and are the buyer's responsibility.  Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.  We do not mark merchandise value below value or mark items as "gifts"  US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior.

Please email us on the "Contact Us" page if you have questions about shipping to other countries. If you are ordering from outside of North America, please keep in mind that MOST modern DVD players (two years old or less) bought in Europe should play both European (PAL) and North American (NTSC) DVDs. Our DVDs are in the NTSC (US) format, and, in our limited experience so far, all of our European customers have been able to play them. If you have previously ordered DVDs from North America and had trouble playing them, then our DVDs might not work on your player. The DVDs should work in any PC DVD player, regardless of the country. (Note: Our DVD's are Universal Region 0, but if you have to select a Region 1-6, please select Region 2 to play our DVD's)
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Are there additional charges for shipping outside the U.S.?

Import duties, taxes, charges, and conversion rates are not included in the item price or shipping and handling charges.  These charges vary by country and are the buyer's responsibility.  Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying.  We do not mark merchandise value below value or mark items as "gifts" as the US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. All totals given on the checkout page are in US dollars. Your credit card company will make the conversion and charge your card accordingly. 
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What shipping methods do you use, and how long will it be before I receive my DVD?

We generally ship within one week of receiving your order, usually sooner. We ship via US Post Office, generally via first-class mail, from Delray Beach, Florida. For cases involving "free shipping" (within the U.S.), we use US Post Office Media Mail. Please allow up to 14 days for delivery, but generally, most packages arrive within 10 days.

Shipping outside the U.S. takes longer, as the international customs process seems to cause delays.  FOR INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, WE CANNOT PREDICT WHEN YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR SHIPMENT.

Please email us on the "Contact Us" page if you have questions about shipping to other countries.
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How much do shipping and handling cost?

Shipping and handling charges are based on the weight of your order and your address.  To determine your charges, simply fill your shopping cart and type in your address when prompted.  The system will tell you what your shipping and handling costs will be BEFORE you are asked to pay. 
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Do I Have to pay by credit card, or can I pay by check/money order?

We do accept payment by personal check. First, you will need to determine what shipping method you prefer and calculate your order total. You can do this by putting the items you'd like into your cart, proceeding to check out, and entering your billing and shipping information. When you click continue you will be taken to a page that presents your shipping options with the corresponding charges. Select the shipping method you prefer and our site will calculate your order total for you (before you are asked to enter a credit card number).

Then, simply make your personal check out to Exercise To Heal for the total and write us a note that includes:
* What you would like to order
* Your name and address
* Your phone number in case we have trouble reading your writing or have any questions

Then send your note and your personal check to us at:
Exercise to Heal
820 Estuary Way
Delray Beach, FL 33483
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Are Lee's programs available on VHS?

Unfortunately, we do not have any VHS tapes of Lee Holden's Qi Gong programs available at this time.

If you have been considering the purchase of a DVD player, you might be interested to note that prices have come way down! In fact, basic DVD players are sold for as little as $30 at locations such as Circuit City, Wal-Mart, and other discount retailers.
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I am a new customer. How do I log in to place my order? I do not have a password to enter.

After you fill up your shopping cart, on the same page where you see the fields to enter a user name and password for "RETURNING CUSTOMERS," you'll see a NEW CUSTOMER REGISTRATION button at the top of the page (the big red one).  NEW CUSTOMERS need to register their shipping and billing info to proceed with checkout.  Look for the BIG RED BUTTON that says "NEW CUSTOMER REGISTRATION - Sign Up Here."  Click on this red button and fill in the blanks with your shipping and billing info; you'll also be asked to create a user name and password (which you can use to log in as a returning customer to save time on future orders).  Please rest assured that we never sell or share your information with anyone, your privacy is important to us.
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Why doesn't the system recognize my email address?

If you've never ordered from us before, none of your information will have been input into our system.  Please follow the instructions for NEW CUSTOMER REGISTRATION [see above question]  and you'll be all set. Also, if you have more than one registration on our system using the same email address, our system will not be able to send you a password reminder. Please sign in as a NEW USER to place your order or call us at 866-432-5356.
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My card was "declined" but my bank says I have been charged. What happened?

When a merchant sends information to the credit card issuing bank (to verify that the account information is correct), the bank IMMEDIATELY places a "Hold" on the account for the amount of the charge, EVEN if that bank subsequently declines the card and the charge does not go through.

The bank keeps the "hold" on the funds, even after the card is "declined," for up to a week. Please keep in mind that a "decline" means the merchant never gets the money. WE WERE NOT ABLE TO CHARGE YOUR CARD! Eventually, the bank reconciles its accounts, and the declined charges just disappear. Within a week, the bank will release the "hold" and return the funds to your account.
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My credit card was declined, but I don't understand why. What happened?

Credit card declines come from the banks that issue the cards. Merchants don't have the power to "approve" or "decline" cards. After you provide your name, address, and card data, our system sends that information to your card issuing bank. Your bank then compares the information sent over to the information on file. If there is a "match" on all the information, they "approve" the transaction, and we get paid. If any of the information sent does NOT match what the bank has on file, the bank "declines" the transaction. All of these decisions are made by your card issuer, and we have no control over that process!

Please review the list of common reasons for declines below to determine whether the problem was caused by a simple error. If you are sure that none of the items below apply to your case, you might wish to call your bank directly for further information. Feel free to call us for specific information as to the error code data provided by your bank to us.

Declines can be caused for a number of reasons:

Address Verification Errors: In most cases, declines are caused by issues involving incorrect addresses. Our system will generally indicate this type of error by telling you there is an "address verification error," or "AVS error." Our system sends both the street address AND the zip code to the credit card issuing bank for approval. If these items do not match the bank records, the bank declines to authorize the transaction.

Please make sure you have provided the correct address! If you have recently moved, the bank may still have an older address on file for you. If you have a PO Box and a street address, make sure you know which one the bank is using. If you are using a company credit card, the billing address is probably the company address. Or, perhaps you receive your credit card bills at your office even if you are not using a company card.

Incorrect Expiration Date: If you enter an incorrect expiration date into our system, your bank will decline the transaction. Please check the expiration date on the card carefully. In some cases, that information is provided in small letters, and over time, the writing fades. It's easy to make a mistake when putting this information into our system!

General Error: In certain cases, information is entered into our system, and technology problems occur somewhere in the phone lines or computer systems between our site and your bank's computers. In these cases, the information does not successfully go through and the card is not processed. Generally, this type of problem is temporary, and in some cases, the transaction can be completed successfully within minutes of the first attempt. If you encounter this type of error and you do not have time to wait or try again, feel free to call us so we can take care of the charge at a later time.

Card Over Limit or Other Bank Reasons: In some cases, a bank will decline the transaction if the card is over the limit or for other reasons. In these cases, your bank will not disclose this information to us, and they will merely "decline" the transaction without providing any error code. If you are certain the address and expiration date information are correct, you might call your bank. Feel free to call us first, as in many cases the bank does provide us with brief information regarding their reasons for declines.
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Is your site secure?

Yes! We're diligent about safeguarding your information with the best encryption methods available. All of our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates enable us to protect transactions and other activity on our website with as much as 256-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.
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What do you do with my email address?

Once your order has been processed, you'll automatically be sent two confirmation messages. If you don't get them, check your "Junk Mail" folder. Please note that if you enter your email address incorrectly, you won't receive these confirmations.

We never sell or give your email addresses to other parties. However, from time to time, we will send messages featuring tips and information from Lee Holden, new products, and other information we think might interest you. If you don't wish to receive these emails, simply click "unsubscribe."
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Call Now to Order or For More Information: 1-866-432-5356
Exercise To Heal, LLC, 820 Estuary Way, Delray Beach, FL 33483