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Home > Qi Gong DVDs > Exercise to Heal: Stretching with Karen Holden

Exercise to Heal: Stretching with Karen Holden

Exercise to Heal: Stretching with Karen Holden
Price: $20.00
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As we age, staying limber and fit is one of the most important things we can do for our overall health. Every day nature reminds us that flexibility is the key to youthful vigor.  We don’t have to lose that flexibility as we get older. Master instructor Karen Holden has spent almost 30 years practicing, studying, and teaching her craft as a practitioner of yoga, stretching, tai chi, and Qi Gong. In EXERCISE TO HEAL: STRETCHING WITH KAREN HOLDEN™, Holden takes viewers through a simple yet effective routine of basic stretching – movements most of us can still do with little effort, to help reduce muscle tension, reduce stress, prevent injuries, increase coordination, enhance circulation, improve your mood, feel energized and relaxed.

Routine Approx. 35 Minutes

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the Pocket Routine Guide PDF

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Exercise To Heal:™ Stretching - Floor Routine

Sequence of Movements

IMPORTANT! If your muscles are very tight, begin the seated portion of this program by sitting on one or two smoothly folded blankets or towels. It takes time to loosen and lengthen tight muscles. Be patient, breathe, and enjoy the benefits of consistent stretching.

  1. Deep Breathing
       Releases tension and stress. Relaxes the muscles and prepares
       the body for stretching.
  2. Arms Stretched Over Head, Interlaced Fingers
       Opens the ribcage and stretches the arms.
  3. Shoulder Roll
       Relaxes the shoulders.
  4. Neck Stretch Sequence
       Relieves tension and tightness in the neck.
  5. Neck Stretch with Outstretched Arm
       Lengthens the muscles in the neck and arms.
  6. Neck Massage
       Promotes circulation and relaxation in the neck area.
  7. Shoulder Roll
       Relaxes the shoulders and lubricates the joints.
  8. Closed Fist Wrist Rotation
       Relieves tension and increases flexibility in the wrists
       and forearms.
  9. Forearm, Wrist, and Thumb Stretch
       Stretches the muscles in the fingers, hand, wrist, and forearm.
  10. Interlaced Fingers Behind Back and Lift
       Stretches the chest and opens the “heart center.”
       Stretches the shoulders.
  11. Shake Out the Legs
       Prepares for lower body stretches.
  12. Forward Bend, Legs Together
       Lengthens the hamstrings
  13. Back Stretches
       Stretches between the shoulder blades and releases tension in
       the upper back.
  14. Seated Spinal Twist
       Stretches the hip. Enhances fl exibility of the spine.
  15. Crossed-Leg Forward Bend
       Opens the hips and lengthens the low back. Circulates energy
       into the kidneys.
  16. Butterfly Stretch
       Opens the hips and stretches the inner thighs.
  17. Straddle Stretch
       Opens the hips and lengthens the inner thigh muscles.
  18. Point and Flex Your Feet
       Stretches the muscles in lower leg.
  19. Lying Down, Bent Knee Stretches
       Low back massage. Enhances circulation and energy in the
       muscles of the low back.
  20. Foot Circles
       Stretches achilles tendons, feet, and ankles.
  21. Bent Knee Circles, Hands on Knees
       Enhances flow of synovial fluid in the hip joints.
  22. Lying Spinal Twist, Knees Together
       Relaxes the back and clears stress out of the spine and
       nervous system.
  23. Alternating Straight Leg Stretch
       Stretches hamstring, clears tension from the legs, and circulates
       energy into the low back.
  24. Deep Hip Stretch
       Stretches and opens muscles deep in the hips. Stretches groin
  25. Straight Arm, Hands Intertwined, Lying Stretch
       Releases tension from the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
  26. Bridge Pose
       Strengthens the back of the body and circulates energy into the
       nervous system.
  27. Lying Spinal Twist, One Leg Straight
       Releases and relaxes the spine. Stretches the outer hip.
  28. Crossed Arms Over Chest, Knees Propped
       Wonderful relaxation pose. Eases tension and stress.
  29. Corpse Pose
       Immerses mind and body in final relaxation.

QiGong (pronounced "chee gong" and alternatively spelled as "qigong," "qi gong," or "chi kung") is sometimes called “the new yoga” - but the practice dates back thousands of years to ancient China.

The word “qi” (or “chi”) means “life force” or "vital energy of the body," and “gong” means accomplishment or skill that is cultivated through steady practice. Qi Gong is specifically designed to cultivate the body's vital energy, using it to heal and strengthen every system throughout the body. Thus, qi gong means “cultivating energy,” and it involves working with energy to strengthen and cleanse the body. Using these Qi Gong DVDs, CDs, and videos will improve your relaxation, reduce pain, and improve your health.

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Exercise To Heal, LLC, 820 Estuary Way, Delray Beach, FL 33483